#5 Is Time Management your pain point too?
Here are 3 easy to implement tips that will make you more efficient
Have you been where you work for the entire day but didn’t really accomplish anything? Followed by a nagging doubt in your mind - where is my time going? what is wrong with me?
Well, join the club! We’re the members of the bad-time-management club (couldn’t come up with a cool name for our club, apologies!)
Proper time management —> More work done —> Save more time for activities you truly enjoy
Allocating a specific time period, say 1 hour, to a task and sticking to your plan will have a better effect than working on a task with no predefined time slot. This is something we already know but struggle to implement. Don’t we?
In this issue, I have curated effective yet easy to execute time-management tips that will help you be more productive! Remember - these tips will help only when you make a conscious effort to implement them in your day to day routine (which is not going to be easy).
To make things a little unchallenging for you, I have converted the tips into flashcards. You can download the flashcards and save them on your phones or pin them to your work desks. As constant reminders!
Let’s get started -
Knowing exactly how your time is being spent will help you prioritize your tasks. It is critical for this plan to work.
Identifying your MIT will help you stay focused on critical tasks you actually have to get done.
A Time Block system will help you with the effective scheduling of your time.
We’re more disciplined at the beginning of the day. As the day goes on the discipline muscle gets fatigued. So let’s be protective of our optimal hours!
Explore more
Wish to understand more about Time Blocking? Here’s something for you:
Three Time Management Tips:
Do a Time Audit
Identify your MIT
Use the Time Block system
Let’s talk about what you do to manage your time better. I would love to know!
This was issue#5 of Holy Rabies! and the second issue on ‘Productivity’. If you liked today’s topic and wish to read something similar:
Issue#3: Wish to learn a new skill but can’t get yourself to start?
Holy Rabies! is a fortnightly newsletter on Art, Creativity and Productivity
You can find the previous issues of the newsletter here: Holy Rabies!
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The next, issue #6 of the visual newsletter will be out on 1 Mar 2021. You can follow me on Instagram | LinkedIn for updates.
Till then keep slaying, y’all.